All-Star Parent/Player Agreement
What it Takes to be a 2021 SVGS All-Star
By adding my name to this interest list, I understand and agree to the following requirements. Adding my name to this list shall be considered as my authorization for my daughter to be considered for any of the 2021 All-Star teams: 

  • Total Financial cost for the season depends upon the level of tournament play achieved by a particular team
  • A check in the amount of $200.00 will be collected at the first team meeting and turned in along with this contract to cover the tournaments that the league has determined teams will attend
  • At the individual team Manager’s discretion and the SVGS Board of Directors, tournaments may be scheduled for every weekend from mid-May through the July 7th weekend.  If a team qualifies for the USA National Tournament, the season will be extended into August.  All-Star players are expected to participate in ALL tournaments throughout the All-Star season.  All-Star tournaments are available through mid-August for those teams so desiring to continue their All-Star season beyond July 7th
  • At the individual team Manager’s discretion, practices may be scheduled for every day during the week. All-Star players are expected to make every reasonable attempt to participate in ALL team practices throughout the All-Star season
  • Participation in other activities (i.e.: other sports, family vacations, etc.) that will directly conflict with an All-Star player’s ability to give a 100% commitment to her All-Star softball team is not acceptable. Prior to accepting an All-Star nomination, a choice MUST be made by the player and parents as to which activity is the most important. If All-Star softball is determined to be the most important activity; full and complete participation is expected and required
  • If a player accepts a position on an All-Star team, she acknowledges and agrees to 100% complete participation. Failure to do so, will result in the player from being ineligible to participate in the following year’s All-Star season
  • All participants in All-Stars including players, parents and guests must respect hotel property. The parents of the player will be held responsible for any damage or misappropriation of hotel property including restitution to the hotel which must be made before they leave the premises
  • All participants in All-Stars including players, parents and guests must be considerate and respect the rights of other hotel guests and employees of the hotel. Unnecessary and loud noises, inappropriate conduct, disrespect to hotel guests and employees will not be tolerated
  • All participants in All-Stars including players, parents and guests shall represent Simi Valley Girls Softball at all times and must never conduct themselves in a way that is detrimental to the reputation or identity of the league. It is understood and agreed that if a participant willfully disregards the established rules of the league or this policy, disciplinary action will be taken by the SVGS Board of Directors. Consequences may include elimination from the All-Star season and possibly affect eligibility for the following season(s)
  • All participants in All-Stars including players, parents and guests must abide by the rules of the hotels, camping facilities, field facilities, parks, schools and the rules that are specific to the tournament including any rules pertaining to the consumption of alcohol and smoking
  • All participants understand that it is entirely up to the manager which players play which positions, which players will be substitute players, which players bat in a certain order, etc. There is no “Playing Time” Rule in All Stars. All participants understand that she may not play in the position she has been playing during the regular recreational season and that she might not play at all in a game. All players are expected to support the team regardless of the amount of playing time a player may have
Team Play Certification:

I, parent or guardian of the below player hereby state that she has not participated in any way with any other softball team other than her 2021 SVGS Recreation and/or SVGS Select softball team on or after April 15th, 2021.

I further understand that if it is proven that the above statement is incorrect or untrue, my daughter will no longer be able to participate in All-Stars for this season and any future All-Star seasons with SVGS. A written report will be made and placed into SVGS records. The matter will also be reported to USA softball.

Registering my daughter up for the AllStar interest list online indicates my authorization for my daughter to be considered to play for a 2021 SVGS All-Star team, and that I have read and understand the above statements and certify that my daughter will not be in violation of any of the following USA rules:

  • Teams shall not have any players who participated on a travel type team after April 15th, 2021

Please add your daughter's name to the interest list here: 2021 All Star Interest List